人 與 土 地 的 傷 痛 留 給 歷 史 去 評 斷
----「哽咽的大地」 高淑玲




為了真實呈現平面影像無法捕捉的現場動態及 聲音表情,我和周志全選擇了拿起攝影機紀錄災變的歷史;歷經年餘拍攝過程,資料帶數量累積高達近200卷,幸賴罹難者家屬林明仁、高唯程及賴全得協助,現身陳述災難回憶、說明林肯大郡開發案官商勾結的種種真相,並提供了罹難親人生前的遺物和資料,讓這部影片能順利結構、剪接完成。



About  Sobbing  Land

Three stories of three families who suffered the same disaster in Taiwan's town of Hsih-chih. On a rainy, wind-swept day, their home at the Lincoln Mansion were washed away, taking relatives to death. This documentary connects the process how the victims organized themselves to claim for compensation, how their actions became a part of a larger social movement, and how the families expressed the wishes to rebuild their homes.

The Sobbing Land documents the turmoil wrought by the collapse of an unlawful housing development project on a hillside in Hshh-chih. A typhoon-triggered mudslide demolished the hillside community of Lincoln Mansions. The victims, people who moved to suburb Taipei, lost families and had their homes wrecked. The documentary shows the strength of families gaining from the traumatic experiences. They began to face each other's distinct but equally saddening experiences, and began new lives. It is a process woven in blood and tears, a process full of vulnerability, lament and resent, self-examination and forgiveness…

Sobbing Land is a "home video" filmed by the victim residents of the Lincoln Mansion. The documentarians hope to preserve a precious image of the tragedy from a local's perspective. Also, they hope to encourage the public to think about the relation between humans and the land.